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Callebaut B., Cataldi S., Iorio G. (2019), Gift, agape and convivialism. In dialogue with Alain Caillé, “Sociologia – Rivista Quadrimestrale di Scienze Storiche e Sociali”, pp. 26-32, ISSN: 0038-0156.
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Iorio G. (2011), Agape: un concetto per le scienze sociali, SocietàMutamentoPolitica. Vol. 4. Pag.101-114, ISSN:2038-3150.
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Iorio G. (2011), La sociologia e l’amore come agape. SocietàMutamentoPolitica. Vol. 4. Pag.257-262, ISSN:2038-3150.
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Iorio G. (2013), L’amore agape: un concetto per la critica sociale, Quaderni di Teoria Sociale. Vol. 2013. Pag.269-292, ISSN:1824-4750.
Iorio G. (2013), L’origine dell’Occidente e l’agape. Appunti per un progetto di ricerca di sociologia storica, Sophia. Vol. V(1). Pag.45-52, ISSN:2036-5047.
Iorio G. (2018), O amor como ágape na práxis social. Origem, definição e perspectivas, REVISTA DE ESTUDOS ANTIUTILITARISTAS E POSCOLONIAIS. Vol. 6. Pag.50-67, ISSN:2179-7501.
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Other selected contributions
Campello F. (2021), First- and Second-Order Justice: Making Room for Affects in Social Critique.” Pragmatism Today, Vol. 12, Issue 1.
Campello F.. (2022), Crítica dos Afetos, Pref. Vladimir Safatle, Rio de Janeiro, Editora Autêntica.
Cataldi S. (2020), Conflict and globalisation: New dialogical horizons for the union. In Overabounding and Society. Sociological Essays on Love – pp.182-197. ISBN:9788895697079
Auriemma V. (2018), Agapic Action and Empathic Action Bilateralism And One-Sidedness, in Contini P., Demartis M.R. (eds.), Sociological imagination and social promotion. The category of “agapic action” to interpret the changes and to imagine new futures, Roma, Social-One Ed., ISBN 9788895697062.
Campanini A.M. (2018), Social Promotion in Action: Social Policies and Social Work, in Contini P., Demartis M.R. (eds.), Sociological imagination and social promotion. The category of “agapic action” to interpret the changes and to imagine new futures, Roma, Social-One Ed., ISBN 9788895697062.
Cataldi S. (2020), Social love in Margaret Archer’s thought. In Overabounding and Society. Sociological Essays on Love, Roma, Social-One, pp.47-59. ISBN:9788895697079
Cataldi S. (2018), Social Engagement and Sensitizing Concepts in Social Sciences, In: Contini P., Demartis M.R. (eds.), Sociological imagination and social promotion. The category of “agapic action” to interpret the changes and to imagine new futures, Roma, Social-One Ed., ISBN 9788895697062.
Cataldi S., Sena B. (2019), A Meta-Analysis Based on Case Study Research in Different Organizational Contexts: Overabounding and Unconditional Gratuitousness in Institutions. SAGE Research Methods Cases Business & Management, 2019.
Carna K. (2018), Identity Bond and Religious Affiliation Of The New Generations Of Bangladeshis In Rome, in Contini P., Demartis M.R. (eds.), Sociological imagination and social promotion. The category of “agapic action” to interpret the changes and to imagine new futures, Roma, Social-One Ed., ISBN 9788895697062.
Contini P., Rubino R., Gentile F. (2018), AGAPIC ACTION FOR YOUNG PEOPLE: A CASE STUDY, in Contini P., Demartis M.R. (eds.), Sociological imagination and social promotion. The category of “agapic action” to interpret the changes and to imagine new futures, Roma, Social-One Ed., ISBN 9788895697062.
Cristao R. (2017), Agire Agapico, Fraternità e Reciprocità. Commenti sui papers del Panel In: In: Agapic Action and Social Reality. Social imagination to promote development, to build the future, 2018, Igarassu PE. Agapic Action and Social Reality. Social imagination to promote development, to build the future. Proceedings of the Sociological Summer School in Brazil. Roma, Italia, Social-One Ed., pag. 135. ISBN 978-88-95697-05-5
Cristao R. (2012) L’azione agapica e l’effetto sulle istituzioni verso il bene comune. Rivista Studi Zancan – Polítiche e Servizi alle Persone, nº 6, pp. 168-176.
Cristao R. (2005) I rapporti nel lavoro sociale comunitario alla luce del paradigma dell’unità. Nuova Umanità – Rivista bimestrale di cultura – Anno XXVII – n. 6/2005
Cristao R. (2005) Relationships in Social Community Work as seen in the Light of the Paradigm of Unity. An experience of the Unity Community Center in Buenos Aires. In: Convegno 2005, Social One. Roma.
De Salvo C. (2018), We are More Than Selfies’ Case Study of Youth, Civic Technologies And Agapic Action, in Contini P., Demartis M.R. (eds.), Sociological imagination and social promotion. The category of “agapic action” to interpret the changes and to imagine new futures, Roma, Social-One Ed., ISBN 9788895697062.
Demartis M.R. (2012), L’aiuto professionale in servizio sociale. Teorie e pratiche, Milano, Franco Angeli.
Galindo Filho, L.T. (2020), A community born from the charism of unity: the case of Loppiano in: AA.VV. Overabounding and society. Sociological essays on love.1 ed. Roma (itália): Social-ONE, 2020, p. 94-109, ISBN: 9788895697079.
Galindo Filho, L. T. (2018), O amor como paradigma. Amor, gratuidade, reciprocidade, ação e interação complexos como proto-fundamento e paradigma para as ciências humanas. 1. Ed. Recife pe: editora da universidade federal de pernambuco, V. 300. 126p, ISBN 978.85.415.1007-3.
Galindo Filho, L. T. (2018), Tudo é relação. Rumo à composição do estado da arte. No irrefreável caminhar da Ciências, algumas reflexões sobre o momento presente e as novas aproximações cognitivas e perspectivas paradigmáticas para as Ciências Humanas e para a Sociologia. In: Agapic Action and Social Reality. Social imagination to promote development, to build the future, 2018, Igarassu PE. Agapic Action and Social Reality. Social imagination to promote development, to build the future. Proceedings of the Sociological Summer School in Brazil. Roma – Italia: Social-One 2018. v. 1. p. 141-145, ISBN 978.88.95.6970-62.
Galindo Filho, L. T. (2018), Everything is relation. Towards the composition of the state of art. In the unstoppable walk of the Sciences, some reflections on the present moment and the new cognitive approaches and paradigmatic perspectives for the Human Sciences and Sociology. In: Sociological imagination and social promotion. The category of Agapic Action to interpret the changes and to imagine new futures, Salerno (ITÁLIA), ISBN 978.88.95.69705-5.
Galindo filho, L. T.; Campello, F.; Silva, M. A. E.; Machado, C. A. A.; Lima, A. J. C.; Evangelista, D. F.; Pereira, M. G.; Andrade, F. G.; Silva, L. G. M. E. (2014), Teoria e Empiria do Ágape nas Ciências Sociais: uma fundamental reviravolta na questão… In: Cidadania, Participação Política e Fraternidade. Uma abordagem multidisciplinar.1 ed. Recife PE: Editora da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco UFPE, V. Tomo I, p. 35-57.
Galindo Filho, L. T. (2011), Teoria e empiria dell’agape per le Scienze Sociali: un fondamentale rovesciamento della questione… In: L’agire agapico come categoria interpretativa per le Scienze Sociali, Atti del convegno, Roma – Italia, Social-One Ed., v. 1. p. 1-15, ISBN 978.88.95697.02-4.
Gallelli A., Cataldi S., Iorio G. (2020) Social love in the study of poverty: a microsocial perspective. In Overabounding and Society. Sociological Essays on Love, Roma, Social-One, pp.110-120, ISBN:9788895697079
Gallelli A. (2015), Introduzione al glossario sull’Agape, in Araújo V., Cataldi S., Iorio G., L’amore al tempo della Globalizzazione, Roma, Città Nuova, pp. 203-209.
Gnudi B. (2018), Act Agape-Love and Forgiveness: Theory Or Possible Practice? in Contini P., Demartis M.R. (eds.), Sociological imagination and social promotion. The category of “agapic action” to interpret the changes and to imagine new futures, Roma, Social-One Ed., 261-269. ISBN 9788895697062.
Iorio G. (2018), Agape Between Subjectivism and Objectivism, in Contini P., Demartis M.R. (eds.), Sociological imagination and social promotion. The category of “agapic action” to interpret the changes and to imagine new futures, Roma, Social-One Ed., ISBN 9788895697062.
Iorio G., Cataldi S. (2020). Ecology and social relations: the challenge in a global perspective. In P. Parra Saiani, D. Videla Igor (eds). Human Development for All. Social Sciences in Dialogue for an Inclusive Society. Rome: Social-One; pp. 1-3. ISBN 978-88-95697-08-6.
Martins de Albuquerque P.H., Cataldi S. (2020). Dois conceitos para as ciências sociais: amor e dádiva. In Overabounding and Society. Sociological Essays on Love, Roma, Social-One, pp.31-46. ISBN:9788895697079.
Martins de Albuquerque P. H. (2019), Itinerários do dom: teoria e sentimento. Ateliê de Humanidades: Rio de Janeiro, p.181-p.264., ISBN: 978658029103-8.
Minerba L., Demartis M.R. (2018), SOCIAL PROMOTION IN ACTION: BETWEEN REFLEXIVITY AND PRACTICE IN SOCIAL AND HEALTH POLICIESin Contini P., Demartis M.R. (eds.), Sociological imagination and social promotion. The category of “agapic action” to interpret the changes and to imagine new futures, Roma, Social-One Ed., ISBN 9788895697062.
Mongelli A. (2020). The normalisation of exclusion. In P. Parra Saiani and D. Videla Igor (eds.). Human Development, for All. Social Sciences in Dialogue for an Inclusive Society. Rome: Social-One; pp. 19-28. ISBN: 978-88-95697-08-6.
Neve E. (2018), SOCIAL WORK BETWEEN REFLEXIVITY AND PRACTICE, in Contini P., Demartis M.R. (eds.), Sociological imagination and social promotion. The category of “agapic action” to interpret the changes and to imagine new futures, Roma, Social-One Ed., ISBN 9788895697062.
Paglione L. (2023), Convergenze e beni relazionali tra dono e analisi delle reti sociali, Sophia, Roma, Città Nuova, pp. V-X.
Paglione L. (2008), Dono e Amore Creativo Altruistico. Riflessioni a partire dal pensiero del sociologo Pitirim Aleksandrovich Sorokin, in ARAÙJO V. agire agapico e scienze sociali, Atti del seminario internazionale Castelgandolfo (Roma), 6-7 giugno 2008,
Parra Saiani P., Videla Igor D. (2020), P. Parra Saiani and L. Di Stefano (2020). The definition of the situation. What kind of development, for whom?. In P. Parra Saiani and D. Videla Igor (eds.). Human Development for All. Social Sciences in Dialogue for an Inclusive Society. Rome: Social-One; pp. 5-14. ISBN: 978-88-95697-08-6.
Pellegrini G. (2018), Teorie sociali e agire agapico. Riflessioni sulla Summer School “Agire agapico e realtà sociale”, In: AA. VV., Agapic Action and Social Reality: Sociological Imagination to promote development, to build the future. Social-One,, pp. 155-162, ISBN: 9788895697055.
Pellegrini G. (2018), Refugee Camps as a meeting place of identities and cultures, In: De Martis, R. Contini, P. Sociological imagination and social promotion The category of agapic action to interpret the changes and to imagine new futures. Social-One,, pp. 171-174, ISBN: 9788895697062.